Beginning with the restoration
and interpretation of the Morton Morton House on Darby Creek and
systematically evaluating other significant historic sites, the
Norwood Historical Society will become a continuously evolving repository
for the history of the Borough of Norwood. Our vision is to be a
vehicle for educational and cultural time travel to the past, present
and beyond.
The Norwood Historical Society, Inc. is a relatively young organization
having its start in 1999. The organization is a private non-profit
foundation incorporated within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Monthly meetings are held at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in the historic Morton Morton House except during January, February & March when they are held in the Norwood Municipal Building (See directions

Judy Anastasi, President
Paul Iverson, Vice President
Judy Williams, Secretary
Maureen Olphert, Treasurer
Joe Butler, Historian
Jackie Sallade
Bill Olphert
Theresa Kohm, Asst. Secretary

The Morton Morton House is located at the confluence of the Darby and Muckinpates Creeks. Secluded and hidden in a residential area of the Borough
of Norwood, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The House was built around 1750 by Morton Morton (1701-1781) a great grandson of Marten Martenson who settled in "New Sweden" in
1654. Morton Morton was first cousin to John Morton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
The Morton
Morton House was owned by Morton's decendents until 1873, then became
home to various families until it was abandoned in the 1930s. The
Borough of Norwood owns the Morton Morton House. The Morton Morton
House is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The
exterior of the Morton Morton House underwent extensive restoration
completed in October 2005. Stage 2, restoration of the interior
of the House, is underway. Fundraising for the interior restoration
has begun. Donations of $50 or more are acknowledged by placing
the donor's name and location, or a phrase in memory of (a loved
one's name) on a Benefactor's Plaque installed in the formal room
of the Morton Morton House. Donations are tax-deductible and greatly
appreciated. Interested parties may call Judy Anastasi, president
at 610-583-3002.
Check out these additional photos of the Morton Morton House by photographer Adam Cooperstein here.
To read more history on not only Norwood but also Ridley Township please visit Ridley Township History's website.

This summer, 2024, the Norwood Historical Society continues the third section of the Memorial Walkway on the historic property of the Morton Morton House. Details, pricing and an order form are available on the link: 4EverBricks.com/donors/NHS.

Directions to the Morton Morton House:
(Coming from Route 420)
Take Route 13 Chester Pike (North) to "The Arch of Norwood"
at Winona Avenue. Make a right follow East Winona Avenue down to
the bottom of the hill. Bear right along the park, keeping the park
on your left. Continue on Winona Avenue until homes appear on your
left. The entrance to the Morton Morton House is just past the fourth
set of twin homes. Take a left and follow the road down to the right,
bear left when you come to the "V" in the road and follow
that back to the Morton Morton House. See map below
if you need more help. Enjoy your visit.
Each summer starting June to the last week of September, the Morton Morton
House will be open to the public for tours on Sunday afternoons
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. excluding holiday weekends. Admission is
free; donations are very much appreciated and will be used to continue
the restoration of the Morton Morton House.
Additional tours can be arranged by calling the Norwood Borough Office at
~ Preservation Awards ~
The Norwood Historical Society, Inc. presented their 1st Historical Preservation
Award at the December 6, 2010 holiday party to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Garrity for their well preserved Victorian style house located at 537 Mohawk Ave, Norwood, PA.
The house was built in 1889 and has been owned by the Garrity's since 1967.

A 2nd Historical Preservation Award was presented at the holiday fund raiser on Sunday Dec, 11, 2011 to the Hartunian family.
The house is a classic Victorian Style built around 1894 by Charles Lincoln Shaw as a home for his family. Mr. Shaw owned a straw hat factory in Philadelphia called The Shaw & Ewing Hat Factory. The wrap around porch in front of the house is original wood; the third floor has an upper round porch; the second floor bedroom has a walk-out turret. The Hartunians have lived there since 1984.

It was with a great deal of pleasure and pride that our 3rd Historical Preservation Award was presented to the Evans family at our December holiday party. The Evans Victorian home is at 111 Leon Ave., Norwood. The house was built in 1913 and the Evans family has lived in the home for 29 years. They have spent much time and effort restoring this Victorian beauty.
The 4th Historical Preservation Award (2013) was presented to Michael
Stasky 230 W Ridley Ave. Norwood. Mr Stasky has lived in this beautiful victorian home for 17 years.

The 5th Preservation Award was presented in December 2014 to Dawn and Joe Butler. The home at 229 West Winona Ave. was built in 1904 as part of a 1903 land sub-division of the property of John Duffee. The first recorded sale of the property and house took place in November 1905 for the sum of $1,500.00. The Butler's purchased the home in 1994 and have spent the last 20 years raising a family and restoring the home, keeping or replicating as many of the original features as possible.

Our 6th preservation award was presented to Frank Boyle, lll for the Henderson Farm House. The Henderson Farm House is one of the oldest properties and homes in Norwood. Andrew Morton left the property at his death to his son Morton Morton in 1741. Through marriage the property passed to the Grantham family; later sold to Matthew Henderson in 1833. Matthew Henderson built the Henderson Farm House between 1833 and 1840. In 1889 Rueben and Anna Bonsall purchased the farmhouse. Their son and daughter in law (Burton and Emma) along with their daughter Anna lived there until their respective deaths. Anna Bonsall married Frank (PRO) Boyle and they resided there from the 1950's. Anna Bonsall Boyle (99) died in the same house where she had been born in October 2012. Frank Boyle (95) died in December 2014. The Henderson Farm House passed to Anna and Frank's son, FrankBoyle lll, and his family. Henderson Farm House 125 Henderson Ave, Norwood.

Our 7th Presevation award was presented to Anna and Paul Iverson. Their Victorian home is located at 328 Mohawk Ave. The home was built circa 1880 by Kreeger and Connolly, manufacturers associated in business in Philadelphia. The Iversons have styled inside their home in Victorian fashion reflecting a gracious lifestyle of a bygone day.

8th Preservation Award - Davis Trading Post
Built in 1890 by Matthew Henderson, a retired farmer to open a country store. The Henderson Family owned the store for only a few years before selling it to Thomas Parkinson.
The Parkinsons ran the store for almost 50 years, and after them it became a 5 & 10 Cent Store. On October 24, 1965 the Davis Family moved their Davis Trading Post into the building. The Davis Family began as a drugstore at 810 Winona Avenue in 1936.
Today's Davis Trading Post from a photograph in 1890, shortly after it was built. The original owner and building, Mathew Henderson, stands on the far left. His son Walt is in the middle and the man on the far right is unknown. Also above is a copy of one of the original newspaper ads.

9th Historical Award Griffith Funeral Chapel
Griffith Funeral Establishment was started November 1, 1898 in
Lenni, Pennsylvania by Horace S. Griffith and his son Horace B.
In 1906 Horace B. took over the business of the late Clarence R.
Black in Norwood. In approximately 1925 the building was updated
but still bears the original sign: Griffith & Son Undertakers
over the main door.
10th Historical Award:

Norwood Methodist Church
Methodism in Norwood began in March, 1888 in a mission established by the Prospect Park Methodist Church in the vacant old Norwood Hotel located on the south side of Ridley Ave. between Welcome Ave. and Chester Pike. The cornerstone of the new church building was laid on November 14, 1888.

Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church began in Norwood in early June, 1888 when the Rev. Elijah S. Morell, then the Pastor of St. James Lutheran Church of Chalfont, PA, stopped in Norwood for a brief visit. The first building was dedicated on November 10, 1888. Pastor Morrell became the first Pastor to the 23 congregants.
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church was founded as a mission by Bishop Whitaker at the request of some twenty resident lay people on Dec. 9, 1892. Ground breaking for the Church building commenced August 18, 1896.

St. Gabriel's Roman Catholic Church
St. Gabriel's Roman Catholic Church was founded as a mission on Nov. 21, 1891 and was raised to canonical status of a Parish in 1914. Father Joseph P Smith served as the first Pastor to the new church.
2024 Activities and Events:
We are continuing with our "Excellence in History" award with 6 local high schools. We provide an award certificate along with a cash prize to a graduating senior at each of the following local high schools: Academy Park, Bonner/Prendergast, Cardinal O'Hara, Interboro, Ridley and Upper Darby High Schools. The student award is selected by the staff and teachers at each school.
Please stop by and visit with us at the Norwood Park on the 4th of July and Community Day.
We are most grateful for your continued financial support which enables us to continue our presence in the community. Thank you so much!
Collectibles, Donations and Memberships:
Currently the Norwood Historical Society is offering a unique collectible (number 1 in the series) sun-catcher / ornament of beveled glass depicting the Morton Morton House c 1750. Each gift is individually boxed, comes complete with gift wrap and bow for easy and classic presentation. The price, $20, includes Pennsylvania sales tax.
For further information call Judy Anastasi, 610-583-3002.
Note cards of the Morton Morton House are now available. 8 cards with envelopes depicting the Morton Morton House on the front, blank inside and historical information on the back priced at $10.00, call Maureen Olphert at 610-532-5520.
Donations may be sent to Norwood Historical Society, Inc. Attn: Maureen Olphert, 10 W Cleveland Ave, Norwood, PA 19074. Donations are greatly appreciated and are targeted toward restoration of the interior of this historic site. Donations of $50 or more are acknowledged with the donor name on our Benefactors' Plaque.
Us via Email:

~ Interest to the Community ~

2013 Norwood Historical Society
Web Solutions by Aaron Neal |